This delicious dish is another traditional taste of “Rosh Hashanah” the Jewish New Year holiday. Although the recipes vary from one family to another, the key ingredient that stays the same is the Green Beans. I modified the flavors in this traditional dish and the results are a play on sweet and salty taste and a fun crunchy texture. Even though this dish has a special place at our holiday table, it is actually great as an anytime side dish.

The “play on words” in Lubia Rubia:
In Tunisian “Lubia” and in Aramaic “Rubia” both refer to green beans. In Hebrew, the sound and root of the word “Rubia” means “plenty”. The idea of “plenty” is even reinforced by the look of green beans that has numerous little beans inside the pod. In this symbolic dish we wish for plenty of goodness and plenty of blessings in everything we do.
.יהִי רָצֹון מִלְפָנֶיךָ ה’ אֱלֹהֵינּו ואלֹהֵי אֲבֹותֵינּו שֶיִרּבּו זכִיֹותֵנּו ותִרְּבֶה הַּבְרָכָה בְכָל עֲמָלֵנּו
You will need:
1 lb. Green Beans
1 medium (or ½ large) Purple Onion
2 tbsp. Butter (Unsalted)
1 tsp. Olive Oil
2 tbsp. Brown Sugar
1 tbsp. Silan (Date Syrup)
1 tsp. Balsamic Vinegar
½ cup sliced Almonds
Black Pepper
Let’s get to work!
Prepare the green beans: start by cutting off the edges on both sides of the bean. I remember I shared on the blog before how this used to be one of my favorite childhood kitchen jobs and how nowadays I love including my children in this process of preparing the green beans. If you have little helpers (or any helpers) around, this is a fun kitchen activity to do together 🙂
Next wash the green beans well.
Let’s parboil:
Drop the beans in boiling water for 3-5 minutes until they change their color to bright green. Transfer the beans immediately to a bowl of icy water to keep good texture and the bright green color. Finally, set the beans aside after draining the water well.
Next are the sliced almonds: Even though we add them at the very end on top of our dish, I like to toast them now and get this task out of the way. You can do it while the green beans are parboiling…
See how thin sliced almonds are… It will not take long to toast them.
Simply place them in a pan in one layer. Toast over medium heat and move the pan every so often to make sure the sliced almonds are tossed and get evenly toasted. Keep your eye and your nose on them and you will know when they are ready; they become lightly golden and their aroma is out of this world! Once they are ready, set the toasted sliced almonds aside. In my case I have to put them completely out of site so I don’t snack on them the whole time…
Let’s Continue…
Thinly slice the purple onion.
Sauté it in butter and olive oil on medium to high heat to get some good caramelization. This takes about 5 minutes don’t forget to move the onions around every so often.
Once you get some color on the onions add the strained green beans.
Cook them for a minute or two still on medium to high heat.
Next add the brown sugar and mix together.
Now it is time to add the Silan and balsamic vinegar.
The sugars and vinegar reduce to a nice glaze. Check out this color!
Last but not least add the salt and pepper.
The beans are ready!
Transfer it all to a serving dish and add the toasted sliced almonds on top.
Yum on!
Quick Recipe:
Lubia Rubia-
Parboil the Green Beans.
Toast Sliced Almonds and set aside.
Thinly slice Purple Onion and sauté in Butter and Olive Oil for 5 minutes.
Add Green Beans continue sautéing on medium to high heat for a minute or two.
Add Brown Sugar, Silan and Balsamic Vinegar and cook to a glaze about a minute.
Add Salt and Black Pepper.
Transfer to a serving dish and add toasted sliced Almonds.
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