Whenever I am in need of an indulgent breakfast…I make crepes. They are so elegant and delicate when it comes to look and taste, but crepes actually have a strong influence on whoever is facing them… Try it — just put a plate of crepes in front of the toughest character you know and see how they transform into a soft, gentle being (even before the first bite)… 🙂
On a plate with fillings and toppings, they look like a million dollars, but they are really quite simple to make and their ingredients are very basic.
You will need:
[Makes 10 crepes]
2 Eggs
1 tbsp. Sugar
1¼ cup Milk
2 tbsp. Butter
1 cup (all purpose) Flour
* Your choice of filling/topping
Let’s get to work!
Start with the eggs. Crack two eggs in a large bowl and whisk them lightly.
Add sugar and continue whisking until the mixture is light and bright (in color).
Time to add the milk.
Add it carefully while whisking…

Melted butter in action!
Melt two tablespoons of butter and add to the mixture.
Whisk it well to incorporate it with the rest of the ingredients.
Time for the flour…
Sift one cup of flour into the mixture.
Use the whisk to combine the flour.
Make sure there are no lumps of flour and that the batter is smooth.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or transfer the batter into a sealed container.
The crêpe batter needs to rest in the refrigerator for a few hours in order to set. Well-relaxed gluten will guarantee a super delicate crêpe with awesome texture that will not break in the pan. I like to let the crêpe batter rest overnight, but just know the general resting time is a minimum of 4 hours to a maximum of 2 days.
Once the batter has rested in the refrigerator just give it a quick mix to make sure it is unified and you are ready to make crepes!
Get a crêpe pan or a round nonstick flat pan. Pour just enough batter so when you tilt the pan around it forms into a perfectly thin one layered circle. [I used 3 tablespoons of batter for a crêpe of 8.5’’ in diameter]

flexible crepe makes an easy flip…
Make the crepes over low to medium heat and QUICKLY tilt the pan when you pour the batter in. The crêpe cooks for about 45 seconds on each side.
To keep the crepes’ texture soft and moist, don’t overcook them and once they are ready stack them on top of each other.
When the crepes are cooked you can serve them anyway you like: from simple suggestions like honey or powdered sugar to classic combos of Nutella-Banana or Strawberry-Sour Cream with berry syrup. You can use other fruits and spreads, you can add nuts of all kinds to give it a little crunch and you can create savory versions of course.
Today we are keeping it classy…
Quick Recipe:
Whisk Eggs, Sugar and Milk together.
Add melted Butter and whisk to combine.
Sift Flour in and mix well until batter is unified.
Store in the refrigerator in a sealed container for 8 hours.
Form each crêpe over low-medium heat by tilting the pan quickly to create a thin circle.
Cook for 45 seconds on each side.
Stack the crepes on top of each other to keep them warm and moist.
Fill or top with your favorites.
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